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목록잠토네 잠수함 (493)
잠토의 잠망경
BMP 이미지를 PNG로 변환시키는 루틴 VS 2008을 사용하여야 작동합니다. ㅡㅡ; 그지같은 VS6.0 #include #include #include #include #include #define CAPTUREBLT (DWORD)0x40000000 /* Include layered windows */ #define false 0 void CaptureScreen(); void SaveBitmap(char *szFilename,HBITMAP hBitmap); int main(void) { CaptureScreen(); LPCTSTR filename=_T("c:\\test.bmp"); LPCTSTR changefilename=_T("c:\\test01.png"); CImage myImage; myIma..
mouse_event 는 Windows 환경에서 사용자에 의해 임으로 발생시킬수 있는 윈도우 API이다. msdn: ms-help://MS.MSDNQTR.v90.ko/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/userinput/mouseinput/mouseinputreference/mouseinputfunctions/mouse_event.htm 이 함수의 사용 예시이다. #include int main(void) { //mickey 절대 좌표. (0~65,535) DWORD baseX=65535/1280; // 기본 베이스 좌표 X DWORD baseY=65535/800; // 기본 베이스 좌표 Y int X=1280; // 내가 원하는 X 위치 int Y=100; // 내가 원하는 Y ..
현재 Dll 학습하는 가운데 삽질한 내용을 정리하려 합니다. 우선 extern "C"를 쓰는 이유는 name Mangling 때문에 CPP에서 사용하는 것으로 C에서는 사용할 이유가 없다. 고로 .C파일에서는 extern "C"를 사용할 경우 Error을 뿌려대는듯하다.
Download clipboard demo project - 12 Kb Download notification demo project - 12 Kb Adding clipboard support to a VC++ / MFC application is extremely simple. This article covers the basic steps involved in getting your applictions talking to the clipboard. In it are examples of the following: Reading and writing text Reading and writing WMF data Reading and writing a bitmap Setting up and using y..
Introduction Hooks are one of the most powerful features of Windows. We can hooks to trp all the events in the Windows environment. This example shows how to trap keyboard events and save the keys to a text file. In the Microsoft® Windows™ operating system, a hook is a mechanism by which a function can intercept events (messages, mouse actions, keystrokes) before they reach an application. The f..
Introduction Simulation of a keyboard input is a well known concept for those who are all familiar with Visual Basic. SendKeys() in Visual Basic does all the things, if you want to do anything without keyboard. But what is in SendKeys() function? What does it do? Can we do such a thing with Visual C++? This article is the answer. I think this will be useful for beginners who are all just trying ..
http://hdp.null2root.org/reversing.html http://www.debuglab.com/knowledge/APIHOOKING.html http://www.codeproject.com/KB/system/hooksys.aspx http://dual5651.hacktizen.com/tt/entry/Windows-Global-API-HookingPart-1 http://www.gpgstudy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14054